Roughly 350 million eligible voters in 27 countries will elect a new EU Parliament in a month's time. In view of an expected shift to the right and huge challenges in areas such as security and climate policy, commentators are sceptical about the next EU legislature.

Avvenire (IT)
Expressen (SE)
El Periódico de Catalunya (ES)
Glavkom (UA)

Europe's media at a glance

Our database provides information on more than 500 print and online media published from over 30 countries. It also gives a detailed description of the media landscape in each country in Europe.


Novaya Gazeta Europe (RU)
Echo (RU)
The Spectator (GB)
hvg (HU)
Új Szó (SK)
The Irish Times (IE)
Ukrajinska Prawda (UA)
Frankfurter Rundschau (DE)
Capital (GR)
Elvira Vikhareva (RU)
Avvenire (IT)
Turun Sanomat (FI)
The Guardian (GB)
El País (ES)
Cinco Días (ES)
taz, die tageszeitung (DE)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH)
Jyllands-Posten (DK)
Ukrajinska Prawda (UA)
Denik N (CZ)
El País (ES)
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